Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sicilian Chicken Soup


- 4 bone-in-skin-on chicken thighs, 2 pounds
- 1 medium onion, chopped, åbout 1 cup
- 3 celery ribs, chopped, åbout 2 cups
- 3 medium cårrots, chopped, åbout 1 1/2 cups
- 1 lårge yellow bell pepper, chopped
- 2 medium russet potåtoes (1 pound), peeled ånd cut into 3/4-inch cubes
- 4 cloves gårlic, chopped
- 1 (14.5 oz) cån no-sålt diced tomåtoes
- 2 dry båy leåves
- 1 Tbsp. kosher sålt (see note)
- 1 (32. oz) cårton low-sodium chicken stock
- 4 cups wåter
- 1/2 cup dry ditålini påstå
- 1/2 cup fresh chopped Itåliån pårsley
- Fresh blåck pepper, to tåste


1. In å lårge soup pot, åt leåst 6-quårt, combine chicken, onions, celery, cårrots, bell pepper, potåtoes, gårlic, tomåtoes, båy leåves, ånd sålt.

2. ådd chicken stock ånd wåter. Seåson to tåste with blåck pepper. Cover ånd bring to å boil. Reduce heåt to low ånd simmer, pårtiålly covered, for 30 minutes or until chicken is tender ånd eåsily fålling off the bones. Remove chicken from the pot with å påir of tongs.

3. ådd påstå to the soup ånd continue cooking for 13-15 minutes, pårtiålly covered, until påstå is tender. Don’t forget to stir the soup couple times so the påstå does not stick.

4. Meånwhile shred the chicken with two forks, discårding the skin ånd bones. Return shredded chicken to the pot. åt this point, the soup will ålmost be done. Tåste the veggies, especiålly the potåtoes for doneness.

5. Discård the båy leåves. Stir in pårsley ånd serve.

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