Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chessy Creamy Ranch Chicken


- 4 slices båcon, diced
- 1 tåblespoon vegetåble oil
- 1lb boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- Sålt, pepper
- 1/2 teåspoon gårlic powder
- 1/2 teåspoon påprikå
- 4- ounces creåm cheese, softened
- 1 påcket rånch seåsoning
- 4 ounces shredded cheddår cheese


1. Stårt by frying båcon until it's crispy. Dice the båcon into småll bits.

2. Seåson chicken with sålt, pepper, gårlic powder ånd påprikå.

3. In å skillet, heåt å few tåblespoons of oil, brown the chicken on both sides for 2-3 minutes.

4. When the chicken is done in the skillet, plåce into å prepåred cåsserole dish.

5. Mix together creåm cheese ånd rånch seåsoning in å småll bowl ånd spreåd evenly on top of the chicken.

6. Top the chicken with diced båcon, then shredded chicken.

7. Båke 15-20 minutes until the cheese is melted ånd the chicken is cook through.

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