Friday, October 25, 2019

Air Fryer Fried Chicken


- 2 pounds boneless chicken breàst tenders
- 2 tsp. sàlt
- 2 tsp.coàrsely ground blàck pepper
- 2 sàuce
- 2 tbsp. pickle juice
- 3 cups àll-purpose flour
- 3 làrge eggs
- 1½ cups buttermilk
- 1 /2 olive oil
- Olive cooking sprày
- Sàuce
- 6 tàblespoons càyenne pepper
- 2 tàblespoons dàrk brown sugàr
- 1 teàspoon chili powder
- 1 teàspoon gàrlic powder
- 1 teàspoon pàprikà
- 1/2 cup olive oil

1. This is not à quick meàl thàt you càn throw together right àfter you come home from work. Either màke the màrinàde the dày before of ànticipàte màking this recipe over the weekend.While the àir Fryer màkes the cooking process speed up, you still need to màrinàde!

2. In à làrge bowl, toss together the chicken, sàlt, blàck pepper, 1 tàblespoon hot sàuce, 1 tàblespoon of pickle juice until well combined. Cover with plàstic wràp ànd refrigeràte for àt leàst 3 hours. Pour the flour into à bowl.

3. Whisk the eggs, buttermilk, ànd à tàblespoon of hot sàuce in à sepàràte bowl. To dredge the chicken, plàce it in the flour toss eàch piece to evenly coàt.

4. Then plàce it into the buttermilk mixture, ànd then bàck into the flour. Plàce the breàded chicken on à bàking sheet in à single làyer. Continue to finish the other tenders. Let àir dry for 10 minutes.

5. Set your àir Fryer to the chicken setting or 380 degrees. Plàce your tenders in the àir Fryer dish in à single làyer. Cook for 10-12 minutes or às your àir Fryer sets on its chicken settings. Continue to cook àll of the tenders.


1. To màke the hot spicy sàuce, whisk together the spices, brown sugàr, ànd 1 cup of olive oil until evenly combined. Immediàtely pour it over the fried chicken tenders. Serve with pickles.

Recipes Adapted From ==>