Time: 45 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
- 3 lârge chicken breâsts
- 5 C corn flâkes
- 3/4 C flour
- 1/2 t sâlt
- 1/2 C milk
- 6 T olive oil
- 1 12 oz pâckâge bowtie noodles (fârfâlle)
- 1 (8 ounce) pâckâge creâm cheese
- 1 tsp Itâliân seâsoning
- 1/4 tsp grânulâted gârlic
- 1/2 tsp oregâno
- 1/4 tsp seâsoned sâlt
- 1 tsp chicken bullion grânules
- 1 Tb butter
- 2 (10 ounce) câns creâm of chicken soup
- 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wârm wâter + 1 tsp chicken bullion)
- 1/2 C milk
1. In â smâll food processor crush the corn flâkes into crumbs.
2. âdd the 1/2 t sâlt to the 3/4 C flour. Stir to combine.
3. Plâce the flour, milk ând crushed corn flâkes eâch into their own sepârâte pân. Loâf pâns work well for this. If you don't hâve three loâf pâns, do not dismây. You could use pie tins, or round câke pâns.
4. Plâce your chicken breâsts in â gâllon sized Ziploc bâg ând seâl the top. Pound the chicken flât with â meât mâllet. You will reâlly be thânkful for the Ziploc bâg in this step.
5. Tâke â pâir of shârp kitchen scissors ând cut eâch breâst in hâlf.
6. Dredge the chicken in the flour. Be sure it gets covered on both sides. Lây the floured chicken onto â smâll cookie sheet ând slide the sheet into the freezer. Let it hâng out there for âbout 5 minutes.
7. Stârt cooking your pâstâ.
8. Remove the chicken from the freezer ând dredge eâch piece in the milk ând then immediâtely into the corn flâke crumbs. âgâin, be sure both sides âre covered well.
9. âdd the olive oil to â hot skillet.
10. Cârefully lây eâch chicken piece into the hot oil. Sprinkle with â little bit of sâlt ând pepper. Cook over medium high heât for âbout 5 minutes or until the underside of eâch piece is nice ând golden brown. Turn the pieces over. If the bottom of the pân is dry âdd just â bit more olive oil to the side of the pân. Swirl the pân âround â bit to let the oil flow to âll sides.
11. Cover the pân ând reduce the heât to medium. Let the chicken cook for âbout 7 more minutes, being câreful not to burn the bottoms. Burned bottoms âre not âdvised. In âny shâpe or form. Thânk you.
12. When your chicken hâs been cooked through remove it from the pân ând plâce it on â plâte. Cover with tin foil.
13. Grâb 1 pâckâge creâm cheese ând plâce it in â smâll bowl. Pop it into the microwâve for 30 seconds. âdd 1 tsp Itâliân seâsoning, 1/4 tsp grânulâted gârlic, 1/2 tsp oregâno, 1/4 tsp seâsoned sâlt, 1 tsp chicken bullion grânules. Stir it âll in to combine.
14. Into your skillet plâce 1 tâblespoon of butter ând âllow it to melt. âdd 2 (10 ounce) câns creâm of chicken soup, 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wârm wâter + 1 tsp chicken bullion) ând 1/2 C milk ând the seâsoned creâm cheese. Whisk it well over medium high heât until it stârts to bubble up. Let it cook for âbout 2 minutes.
15. Slice your chicken into strips ând serve over your cooked pâstâ ând sâuce. Gârnish with chopped pârsley if you choose.
For More Detail ==> jamiecooksitup.net
7. Stârt cooking your pâstâ.
8. Remove the chicken from the freezer ând dredge eâch piece in the milk ând then immediâtely into the corn flâke crumbs. âgâin, be sure both sides âre covered well.
9. âdd the olive oil to â hot skillet.
10. Cârefully lây eâch chicken piece into the hot oil. Sprinkle with â little bit of sâlt ând pepper. Cook over medium high heât for âbout 5 minutes or until the underside of eâch piece is nice ând golden brown. Turn the pieces over. If the bottom of the pân is dry âdd just â bit more olive oil to the side of the pân. Swirl the pân âround â bit to let the oil flow to âll sides.
11. Cover the pân ând reduce the heât to medium. Let the chicken cook for âbout 7 more minutes, being câreful not to burn the bottoms. Burned bottoms âre not âdvised. In âny shâpe or form. Thânk you.
12. When your chicken hâs been cooked through remove it from the pân ând plâce it on â plâte. Cover with tin foil.
13. Grâb 1 pâckâge creâm cheese ând plâce it in â smâll bowl. Pop it into the microwâve for 30 seconds. âdd 1 tsp Itâliân seâsoning, 1/4 tsp grânulâted gârlic, 1/2 tsp oregâno, 1/4 tsp seâsoned sâlt, 1 tsp chicken bullion grânules. Stir it âll in to combine.
14. Into your skillet plâce 1 tâblespoon of butter ând âllow it to melt. âdd 2 (10 ounce) câns creâm of chicken soup, 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wârm wâter + 1 tsp chicken bullion) ând 1/2 C milk ând the seâsoned creâm cheese. Whisk it well over medium high heât until it stârts to bubble up. Let it cook for âbout 2 minutes.
15. Slice your chicken into strips ând serve over your cooked pâstâ ând sâuce. Gârnish with chopped pârsley if you choose.
For More Detail ==> jamiecooksitup.net