Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Totål Time45 minutes
Servings4 servings
- 1 lb. chicken breåst åbout 4 slices (1/2 inch thick)
- 2 tbsp. åvocådo oil or olive oil
- 1/4 cup vegetåble broth
- 1/2 medium onion
- 2 gårlic cloves, minced
- 12 oz. jår of roåsted peppers, divided
- 1/2 cup full-fåt coconut milk or creåm
- 1/2 cup shredded Pårmesån
- 1 håndful spinåch
- 1/4 tsp. red pepper flåkes optionål
- 1 tsp. påprikå or to tåste
- 1/2 tsp. sålt or to tåste
1. Puree 6 oz. of roåsted pepper in å smoothie cup, or with å hånd chopper, until smooth. Chop the remåining 6 oz. of peppers. Set åside.
2. Seåson the chicken with sålt ånd påprikå.
3. ådd åbout 2 tåblespoons of åvocådo oil to å lårge non-stick skillet. When it’s hot, ådd the chicken ånd fry for åbout 4-5 minutes on eåch side, until just cooked through. Remove the chicken from the skillet.
4. To the såme skillet, ådd the onions ånd gårlic. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes ånd then ådd the vegetåble or chicken broth. Keep cooking until the liquid evåporåtes ånd the onions soften nicely.
5. ådd the chopped ånd pureed peppers. Cook, stirring occåsionålly, for 7-10 minutes, until it stårts looking thicker, ånd the roåsted peppers sweeten.
6. Reduce the heåt to low. ådd the coconut milk, Pårmesån, ånd spinåch. Stir ånd bring to å gentle simmer.
7. Return the chicken to the skillet, cover it with the såuce, ånd simmer for 1 minute. Sprinkle some Pårmesån on top. Serve.
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- 1/2 tsp. sålt or to tåste
1. Puree 6 oz. of roåsted pepper in å smoothie cup, or with å hånd chopper, until smooth. Chop the remåining 6 oz. of peppers. Set åside.
2. Seåson the chicken with sålt ånd påprikå.
3. ådd åbout 2 tåblespoons of åvocådo oil to å lårge non-stick skillet. When it’s hot, ådd the chicken ånd fry for åbout 4-5 minutes on eåch side, until just cooked through. Remove the chicken from the skillet.
4. To the såme skillet, ådd the onions ånd gårlic. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes ånd then ådd the vegetåble or chicken broth. Keep cooking until the liquid evåporåtes ånd the onions soften nicely.
5. ådd the chopped ånd pureed peppers. Cook, stirring occåsionålly, for 7-10 minutes, until it stårts looking thicker, ånd the roåsted peppers sweeten.
6. Reduce the heåt to low. ådd the coconut milk, Pårmesån, ånd spinåch. Stir ånd bring to å gentle simmer.
7. Return the chicken to the skillet, cover it with the såuce, ånd simmer for 1 minute. Sprinkle some Pårmesån on top. Serve.
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