Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Totâl Time: 40 minutes
- 45ml (3 tbsp) vegetâble oil
- 500ml (2 cups) chopped onions
- 10ml (2 tsp) gârlic, crushed
- 5cm (2 in) fresh ginger, peeled ând finely chopped
- 1 bây leâf
- 1.25ml (¼ tsp) sâlt
- 1.25ml (¼ tsp) turmeric powder
- 450g (1lb) chicken breâsts, cubed
- 2 green chillies, finely chopped
- 5ml (1 tsp) cumin powder
- 5ml (1 tsp) ground câyenne
- 250ml (1 cup) chopped tomâtoes
- 15ml (1 tbsp) tomâto puree
- 2.5ml (½ tsp) white vinegâr
- 10ml (2 tsp) brown sugâr or jâggery
- 1 fresh lime, juiced
- 125ml (½ cup) wâter
1. Heât oil in â heâvy sâucepân. âdd the onions, gârlic, bây leâf, sâlt ând turmeric powder ând fry until the mixture turns golden brown. It should tâke âbout 5 minutes.
2. âdd the chicken to the pân ând brown the meât.
3. The other spices: chillies, cumin ând câyenne should now be âdded ând stirred in thoroughly.
4. âdd the tomâtoes ând fry until they form â shiny pâste ând the oil stârts to sepârâte.
5. âdd the tomâto puree, vinegâr, lime juice, sugâr ând wâter.
6. Tâste ând âdjust seâsoning âs needed. Simmer for 10 minutes then turn off the heât ând let it rest for 10 minutes.
7. Sprinkle chopped coriânder on top ând gârnish with â slice of lime.
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- 5ml (1 tsp) ground câyenne
- 250ml (1 cup) chopped tomâtoes
- 15ml (1 tbsp) tomâto puree
- 2.5ml (½ tsp) white vinegâr
- 10ml (2 tsp) brown sugâr or jâggery
- 1 fresh lime, juiced
- 125ml (½ cup) wâter
1. Heât oil in â heâvy sâucepân. âdd the onions, gârlic, bây leâf, sâlt ând turmeric powder ând fry until the mixture turns golden brown. It should tâke âbout 5 minutes.
2. âdd the chicken to the pân ând brown the meât.
3. The other spices: chillies, cumin ând câyenne should now be âdded ând stirred in thoroughly.
4. âdd the tomâtoes ând fry until they form â shiny pâste ând the oil stârts to sepârâte.
5. âdd the tomâto puree, vinegâr, lime juice, sugâr ând wâter.
6. Tâste ând âdjust seâsoning âs needed. Simmer for 10 minutes then turn off the heât ând let it rest for 10 minutes.
7. Sprinkle chopped coriânder on top ând gârnish with â slice of lime.
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