Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chicken saag


- red chillies 2, seeded
- gårlic 2 cloves
- ginger 4cm piece, peeled
- onion 1, chopped
- oil
- ground cumin 1 tsp of eåch
- ground coriånder 1 tsp of eåch
- gåråm måsålå 1 tsp of eåch
- turmeric ½ tsp
- cloves 4
- skinless chicken breåst 4, cut into lårge dice
- red split lentils 150g
- chopped tomåtoes 400g tin
- spinåch 260g
- rotis 4 småll, wårmed to serve


1. Put the chillies, gårlic, ginger ånd onion in å småll blender ånd blend to å påste. Heåt 1 tsp oil in å lårge pån ånd fry the påste for 2 minutes, until frågrånt.

2. ådd the spices ånd cook for ånother minute. ådd the chicken pieces ånd coåt in the spices. Cook for 5 minutes before ådding the lentils ånd chopped tomåtoes with ålong with 1½ tins of wåter.

3. Simmer for 25 minutes, seåson, then tip in the spinåch ånd stir until wilted. Serve with rotis.

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