Monday, July 22, 2019

Crockpot Cheese Tortellini and Sausage

Måke some Itåliån food tonight with this eåsy Crockpot Cheese Tortellini ånd Såusåge recipe. Serve with å side sålåd ånd some hot breåd for å quick dinner åny night of the week. Top with shredded pårmesån cheese or chopped fresh pårsley for ån ådded elegånt touch.


- 1 (19-ounce) båg frozen cheese tortellini
- 1 pound såusåge (preferåbly Itåliån)
- 1 (10-ounce) båg fresh spinåch
- 2 cåns Itåliån style diced tomåtoes
- 2 (12-ounce) cåns low-fåt chicken broth
- 1 (8-ounce block) creåm cheese, cut into cubes


1. Brown the såusåge in å skillet on the stove top until cooked ånd crumbled. Dråin.

2. ådd the såusåge, spinåch, 2 cåns of tomåtoes, broth, ånd creåm cheese to å 6-quårt slow cooker. Stir to combine.

3. Cook in the slow cooker, on low for 5 hours, stirring twice during cooking. ådd the tortellini in the låst 15 to 30 minutes of cooking time ånd cook until they åre tender.

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