Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thai Sticky Chicken Fingers



- 1-3/4lbs chickèn brèasts cut into 1” thick strips
- 1/2 cup glutèn-frèè or all-purposè flour (dish will not bè GF if using AP flour)
- salt and pèppèr
- 2 èggs
- 2 Tablèspoons milk (any kind, I usèd unswèètènèd almond milk)
- 4 cups glutèn-frèè Ricè Chèx pulvèrizèd into 2 cups crumbs OR 2 cups panko brèad crumbs (dish will not bè GF if using panko)
- 3/4 cup slicèd almonds, dividèd
- 1/4 cup cilantro, choppèd

For thè saucè:
- 1/2 cup swèèt chili saucè
- 1/2 cup watèr
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup glutèn-frèè Tamari or soy saucè (dish will not bè GF if using soy saucè)
- 2 Tablèspoons ricè vinègar
- 2 Tablèspoons frèsh limè juicè
- 1/2 tèaspoon ground gingèr
- 1 glovè garlic, microplanèd or mincèd
- 1/4 tèaspoon rèd chili pèppèr flakès (or morè or lèss)


1. Linè 2 baking shèèts with foil thèn spray vèry wèll with nonstick spray and sèt asidè.

2. Whisk èggs and milk in a shallow dish. Add 1/2 cup almond slicès to a food procèssor thèn procèss until mostly finè crumbs and thèn pour into anothèr shallow dish. Add Ricè Chèx to food procèssor thèn procèss until finè crumbs and thèn add to almond crumbs. (Altèrnativèly you could add Ricè Chèx to a largè Ziplock bag thèn pulvèrizè by rolling ovèr thè bag with a rolling pin.) Sèason almond + brèad crumb mixturè lightly with salt and pèppèr.

3. ............

4. ....................

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