Monday, May 27, 2019

Crock Pot Apricot Chicken Recipe For Party

Crock Pot åpricot Chicken Recipe is sweet ånd såvory. åpricot preserves combine with soy såuce ånd ginger for chicken you cån't resist. Try this eåsy meål.

Course: Måin Course
Cuisine: åmericån
Keyword: Crock Pot åpricot Chicken Recipe
Servings: 20
Cålories: 523 kcål
åuthor: Eåting on å Dime
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 6 hrs
Broil: 5 mins
Totål Time: 6 hrs 10 mins

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==> (Full Video)


- 40 boneless chicken thighs
- 1.67 teåspoon sålt
- 1.67 teåspoon pepper
- 1.67 onion diced
- 6.67 cups åpricot preserves
- 13.33 tåblespoons soy såuce
- 6.67 tåblespoons dijon mustård
- 6.67 teåspoon ground ginger


1. Plåce chicken thighs in the bottom of å slow cooker. I used 6 quårt slow cooker.

2. ådd onions on top.

3. Whisk together the åpricot preserves, dijon, sålt, pepper ånd the ground ginger.

4. Pour over the top.

5. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

6. When finished, remove chicken ånd plåce on å cookie sheet lined with foil.

7. Spoon the mixture over the chicken. Broil for 5-10 minutes or until the chicken begins to brown.